Laparoscopy is the biggest revolution in the field of Surgery during the last three decades. Laparoscopy is a technologically advanced surgical technique that allows to perform simple or complex procedures by using small skin incisions and specially designed instruments. Initially, laparoscopic surgery intended to minimize the extent of tissue injury and postoperative pain, but soon it emerged as an entirely new medical specialty (minimally invasive surgery), including the recent technology of robotic surgery.
Laparoscopic surgery has the same principles with the open approach, but the results are far better due to minimal tissue injury. The laparoscopic instruments and the camera that ensures vision during the procedure, enter the body of the patient through special instruments called trocars. The necessary space for performing surgical maneuvers inside the abdominal cavity is created by inflating gas (CO2) while the surgeon operates by using specially designed instruments.
Laparoscopic surgery is nowadays considered as the optimal surgical approach in most surgical diseases, however experience is necessary, especially in more advanced procedures. Minimally invasive techniques have unique benefits including minimal blood loss and significantly less postoperative pain. The technology of 3D imaging cameras in high definition monitors (UHD) ensures detailed surgical imaging and meticulous tissue dissection during the procedure. The results of laparoscopy are impressive, including:
- Rapid recovery, with fewer respiratory and cardiovascular complications
- Early discharge from the hospital
- Lower health costs
- Immediate return to work
- Minimization of complications associated with big surgical incisions (suppuration, postoperative hernias, adhesions leading to postoperative bowel obstruction)
Laparoscopic surgery is applied to a wide range of medical conditions, such as:
- Laparoscopic cholecystectomy with exploration of the common bile duct
- Laparoscopic treatment of all types of hernias, with mesh placement (inguinal hernia, umbilical hernia, femoral hernia, ventral hernia)
- Laparoscopic appendectomy, which is now the optimal method for the treatment of acute appendicitis
- Laparoscopic colectomy, which is now considered the gold standard in most cases of benign and malignant colorectal diseases
- Laparoscopic treatment of clinically severe obesity and diabetes (bariatric and metabolic surgery)
- Laparoscopic treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease and hiatal hernia repair
- Laparoscopic treatment of esophageal achalasia
- Laparoscopic treatment of complicated peptic ulcer disease, such as perforation
- Laparoscopic surgery of the liver, such as biopsies, excision of benign tumors, drainage of benign and parasitic cysts
- Laparoscopic adrenalectomy for tumors of the adrenal glands
- Laparoscopic splenectomy in selected cases